Mitigating Conflicts of Interest in Regional Governmental Organization Civil War Mediation by Scott Sigmund Gartner and Benjamin Premack
UK Supreme Court Highlights Parochial Roadblocks to Cooperative Cross-Border Insolvency in Rubin v. Eurofinance SA by Tristan G. Axelrod
The International Zone of Twilight: Enforcing Customary International Law by Executive Order by Andrew T. Winkler
The European Commission v. Gazprom by Sam Bennett
The Actions of One, the Responsibility of a Nation: Charles Taylor’s Conviction by the Special Court for Sierra Leone and its Impact on State Responsibility Claims Against Liberia by Kimberly A. Hardtke
The Law Never Forgets: An Analysis of the Elephant Poaching Crisis, Failed Policies, and Potential Solutions by Emily Hutchens
Volume 31
Volume 31, Issue 3
Articles Presented at the Spring 2013 Wisconsin International Law Journal Symposium on A Comparative Perspective on Social justice Lawyering in Asia: Conditions, Practices, & Possibilities
Mobilizing Law for Justice in Asia: A Comparative Approach by Frank W. Munger, Scott L. Cummings, and Lousie G. Trubek
New Paths to Justice: A Tale of Social Justice Lawyering in Bangladesh by Cynthia Farid
The Call of the Times: Strategic Public Interest Lawyering During the Arroyo Regime in the Phillippines (2001-2010) by H. Harry L. Roque, Jr
TRAFCORD and its Participation in the Promotion of Human Rights to Counter Human Trafficking in Thailand by Duean Wongsa
Social Justice Lawyering and the meaning of Indian Constitutionalism: A case study of the Alternative Law Forum by Arvind Narrain and Arun K. Thiruvengadam
Protecting Community Rights: Prospects for Public Interest Lawyering in Mongolia by Bayartsetseg Jigmiddash and Jennifer Rasmussen
Monkey in a Wig: LoyarBurok, UndiMsia!, Public Interest Litigation and Beyond by Shanmuga Kanesalingam
Cause Lawyers in Indonesia: A House Divided by Tim Lindsey and Melissa Crouch
Of Absences, Masks, and Exceptions: Cause Lawyering in Singapore by Jothie Rajah and Arun K. Thiruvengadam
The Justification of a Cause Advocacy in Socialist Asia: Vietnam as a Case Study by John Gillespie
Not Just Defending: Advocating For Law in Myanmar by Nick Cheesman and Kyaw Min San
Sleeping with Dragons?: Politically Embedded Lawyers Suing the Chinese State by John Wagner Givens
A Short History of the American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative’s Technical Assistance Approach by Jennifer Rasmussen
Volume 31, Issue 2
Expropriations and Other Measures Affecting Property Rights in the Case Law of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal by Sebastian Lopez Escarcena
The United Nations Human Rights Council: More of the Same? by Rosa Freedman
Trademark Squatting by Kitsuron Sangsuvan
Notes and Comments
So Long and Thanks for All the Herring: The US Exclusionary Rule After Herring and What the United States Can Learn from the Canadian Exclusionary Rule by Kenneth Earl
Why is Racial Injustice Still Permitted in the United States?: An International Human Rights Perspective on the United States’ Inadequate Compliance with the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination by Lisa Herndon
Volume 31, Issue 1
Articles include
“Fighting Transnational Bribery: China’s Gradual Approach” by Samuel R. Gintel
“Adjudication Fallacies: The Role of International Courts in Interstate Dispute Settlement” by Vitalius Tumonis.
Notes and Comments include
“Eliminating the E-Commerce Sales Tax Advantage in the United States by Following in the Footsteps of the European Union” by Douglas Huenink
“Compulsory Voting: A Possible Cure for Partisanship and Apathy in U.S. Politics” by Eric Lund
“The Constitutionality of France’s Ban on the Burqa in Light of the European Convention’s Arslan v. Turkey Decision on Religious Freedom” by Lina Ragep Powell
“Moving Towards a Sustainable Future: Replacing TRIPS with a New International Regime for Intellectual Property and Sustainable Energy Technology Transfer” by Nikhil Pradhan